Songs for Mary, The Music

Its been 60 yrs since Mary Dawson rested her soul. 60 yrs since the once historic Mystery Manor aka The National Negro Opera House flourished. The legacy of this important place and its rich and storied history begins to fade into time. Until.

A young Houston rapper- MB Rhymes becomes aware of this historic place, it’s importance to the past and its connection to the present. Through his music he expresses his own sense of frustration with the status quo and its inability to embrace fairness and equal opportunity. He writes a song about ‘Mystery Manor’ which reaches Dawn Carroll and ultimately Jon Butcher. And the pendulum is set into motion. For Dawn, MB Rhymes and Jon Butcher the journey to find Mary Dawson and tell her story, begins.

In the shambles of a once beautiful and important house, Songs For Mary is born. The telling of it is contained in the music on the soundtrack, Songs For Mary. And if the walls could talk, they would. And they do.

The Talent

Dawn Carroll, Jon Butcher, Michael Berry, Shalyah Fearing, Renee Dupuis, Sandy Mac, Dave Price, Wolf Ginandes, Richard Gates, Dave Mattacks, John Anthony, Hollywood Horns, and orchestrations by Danny Borgers

Dawn Carroll
Jon Butcher
Michael Berry

The Message

The music and songs contained herein, conceived, written and orchestrated by Jon Butcher and Dawn Carroll tell that story. The story of Mary Dawson, of her life and times and in reflection of our own. Powerful, evocative, personal. Songs For Mary is the story of us.


Be Inspired. Get Involved.

The story of Mary Dawson is an important piece of history. How one determined Black woman pushed forward with courage and grace. In the face of relentless discrimination and exclusion. Help us bring this story back to life and restore our faith in each other and protect freedom!

15 + 13 =

Dawn Carroll and Jon Butcher

Image by National Opera House and Jonnet Solomon